
Female farmers performing their daily chores, as a group of people look at an installed SIP at a farm in Nepal
Photo: Via MinErgy Initiatives
MinErgy is an organization dedicated to and working on energy-efficient, environmentally sound, cost-effective and socially responsible technologies and approaches for livelihood generation. A team with an entrepreneurship spirit initiated the company and inherited the competencies, know-how and expertise of the Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) Project in Nepal, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
MinErgy Initiatives proposes introducing a Solar Water Mini-Grid (SWMG) among a group of farmers in a cooperative model and testing its technical and financial viability to make solar irrigation pumps affordable for small landholding poor farmers. This is an evidence-generating project alongside pilot-level intervention that will incorporate fragmented lands in solar irrigation schemes, introducing digital payment systems for irrigation water services. Two outputs are expected:
- Technical and financial viability and efficient water use of the SWMG coupled with analog meter system and the benefits of digital wallet-based payment would be demonstrated in coordination with the cooperative.
- Comparison between SWMG and standalone SIPs will be assessed, and evidence will be established to test whether SWMG is technically and financially viable for adopting SIPs among small landholding farmers and offers efficient water use compared to standalone SIPs.
Key Project Staff
Binita Shrestha is a Renewable Energy Officer at MinErgy Initiatives. She has been working in the RE sector for over 10 years and has experience monitoring and supervising irrigation and energy projects, carrying out research and development to improve energy efficiency, energy access analysis and municipal energy planning. Along with her technical expertise, she is trained in gender-based issues. Designated as the Project Manager for the solar water mini-grid project, she will be the primary point of contact and supervise the overall project implementation and management.
Ritavrat Joshi is a Senior Program Officer at MinErgy Initiatives and brings over 10 years of experience in renewable energy technology design and transfer along with water supply and WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) interventions, advocacy and assessment approach. As a Technical Support Staff to the solar water mini-grid project, he will provide technical assistance in the actual implementation, research, and support of the communications of the said project.
Jeevan Baidya is an Energy Expert at MinErgy Initiatives and has over 10 years of professional experience in project design and implementation of renewable energy projects, including solar mini-grids, solar pumping systems, and solar roof-top systems. He will be the technical lead in the implementation of the solar water mini-grid project.
Suyesh Prajapati is the Program Director at MinErgy Initiatives and has over 15 years of experience. He has led several national and international studies/projects related to renewable energy, climate change and water supply. As an Advisor to the solar water mini-grid project, he will advise and provide technical and managerial inputs for research and installation.